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The early history of Japanese music

(1) Contains scales with five-tone (pentatonic) cores with auxiliary tones;

(2) Instruments can be heard separately rather than merged;

(3) Has a maximum effect from a minimal amount of sound;

(4)The music is very simular to verbal expression;

(5) Limited use of detailed notations;

(6) Generally does not repeat or return to previous themes or sections;

(7) Has an emphasis on melodic or rhythmic tension, with little harmony in the Western sense;

(8) Uses melodic type patterns that end to move in progressions,producing a sense of forward motion like that created in Western music by chords;

Hirajoshi Scale  C,D,Eb,G,Ab  or  1,2,b3,5,b6
Ichikosucho Scale C,D,E,F,F#,G,A,B  or  1,2,3,4,#4,5,6,7
Taishikicho Scale  C,D,E,F,F#,G,A,A#,B or 1,2,3,4,#4,5,6,#6,7

Pentatonic Minor Scale C,Eb,F,G,Bb  or  1,b3,4,5,b7

"In Sen" Scale E,F,A,B,D# or 1,2,4,5,#7

Yo scale D,E,G,A,B or 1,2,4,5,6

The Yo scale is a pentatonic scale used in Japanese gagaku imperial court music and Buddhist shomyo chants.

Kumoijoshi scale C,D,F,G,A or 1,2,4,5,6

Iwato scale C,Db,F,Gb,Bb or 1,b2,4,b5,b7

Hemitonic Pentatonic A,B,C,E,F or 1,2,3,5,6



Ever since 1868, the Western and the traditional music (hogaku)have existed together in Japan.


Ancient court music from China and Korea. It is the oldest type of Japanese, traditional music.
Music played with the instrument Biwa, a kind of guitar with four strings.
Music played during
No performances. It basically consists of a chorus, the Hayashi flute, the Tsuzumi drum, and other instruments.
Music played with the instrument Koto. Later also accompanied by Shamisen and Shakuhachi. The Koto is a zither with 13 strings.
Music played with the instrument Shakuhachi, a about 55 cm long flute. The name of the flute is its lenght expressed in the old Japanese length units.
Music played with the instrument Shamisen, a kind of guitar with only three strings.
Kabuki and Bunraku performances are accompanied by the shamisen.
Japanese folk songs.