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took a long time for music to come to the form found in present-day India. The most important advance in music was made between
the 14th and 18th centuries. During this period, the music sang in the north came in contact with Persian
music and absorbed it, through the Pathans and the Mughals. It is then that two schools of music resulted, the Hindustani
and the Carnatic. Hindustani music adopted a scale of natural notes and Carnatic music retained the traditional octave. During
this period, different styles of classical compositions such as Dhrupad, Dhamar, Khayal, etc. were contributed to Hindustani
There is no absolute pitch; instead, each performance simply picks a ground note, and the other scale degrees follow
relative to the ground note. As ragas were never codified but transmitted orally from teacher to student, some ragas
can vary greatly across regions, traditions and styles.
1. Bilawal (=Ionian mode): 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 morning raga It's pictorial descriptions create a rich, sensuous
ambience in consonance with its performance. 2. Khamaj (=Mixolydian mode): 1,2,3,4,5,6,b7 3. Kafi (=Dorian mode): 1,2,b3,4,5,6,b7 evening raga Kafi is said to convey the mood of spring time. 4. Asavari (=Aeolian mode): 1,2,b3,4,5,b6,b7 morning raga 5. Bhairavi (=Phrygian mode):1,b2,b3,4,5,b6,b7 morning raga
6. Bhairav: (=Double Harmonic):1,b2,3,4,5,b6,7
raga The vibrations of the notes in Bhairav is said to clear one's whole mind. 7. Kalyan (=Lydian mode): 1,2,3,#4,5,6,7 evening raga It is considered to be a blessing-seeking and soothing raag. As a result, it
is performed in the evening at the beginning of a concert. This raag creates a feeling of the unfolding of an evening. 8. Marwa: 1,b2,3,#4,6,7 dusk raga The overall mood of this raag is of sunset where the night approaches much faster
than in northern latitudes. The onrushing darkness awakens in many observers, a feeling of anxiety and solemn expectation. 9. Poorvi: 1,b2,b3,4,5,b6,b7 dusk raga The
thaat raag Poorvi is deeply serious, quite and mysterious in character and is performed at the time of sunset. Pictorial depictions
in early texts, often mention the poise, grace and charm of Poorvi. 10. Todi: 1,b2,b3,4,5,b6,7 morning raga